Message from the District Grand Master, Farouk Khan
The District Grand Lodge Communications are now being held in February each year rather than in August, as has been the case in the past.
The first meeting with this new timing was held on February 25th 2023, and has proven to be a success, and would seem to indicate that the timing meets with the approval of the Brethren. The District Grand Master’s Advisory Group will have a wash up meeting and it would be very useful to have your feedback regarding the Communications meeting, to help to inform future meetings.
The highlight of the meeting for me was the installation of the new Deputy District Grand Master, Julian (Taz) Webster and the Assistant District Grand Master, Richard Bray. Taz is of course well known throughout the District having performed the duties of Assistant District Grand Master in an outstanding manner for the last two and a half years. I am eagerly looking forward to working with both of these Brothers for the next few years.
It was also with a great deal of pleasure that I was able to present Worshipful Brother Tony Mansfield with a Certificate of Merit to commemorate his exemplary performance as Deputy District Grand Master and the support he has given to me over the past two and a half years.
In the District Grand Master’s Address I reiterated the successes that we achieved last year, and look towards the future which continues to present us with many challenges, not the least of which is the recruitment and retention of members.
On a very positive note, the Pro Grand Master of the Craft attended the recent Mark Grand Lodge Communications and made very positive remarks about the need for working with what are now described as the Companion Orders which of course includes the Mark Degree.
We in New Zealand are already blessed with the excellent support we receive from the two Craft District Grand Masters. What is important is that all Mark Brethren, but particularly the District Grand Officers, make a concerted effort to spread the word to Craft Brethren who are not yet members of the Mark. Remember that having a full Lodge room considerably increases the enjoyment of the Lodge Meeting as well as having the joy of an Advancement ceremony.
Finally, I would like to thank all the outgoing District Grand Lodge Officers for the work they have put in over the last year and the incoming Officers for the contributions which I know they will make.
Farouk Khan
District Grand Master